Numeric Eight Blog: Business tips (2)

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Creating long term customer value
Only your customers can evaluate how well you look after them and that’s likely to differ from customer to customer and with each interaction with your business. As a result,..
Fun & open communication = a great team
When we enjoy our work, it’s easy to get up early and face the challenges of the day. As business owners and managers, we need to share our passion with our staff to ensure they..
Don’t try to do everything … know your strengths and get help to do everything else
It’s a myth to believe legendary business people achieve success on their own. The truth is celebrated leaders like Steve Jobs, Walt Disney and Coco Chanel didn’t have all the..
For every business decision, there’s only one question – Why?
Whether you’ve been in business for years, months or weeks, taking the leap to start your own business takes enormous courage, bucket-loads of self-belief and tonnes of passion...
Are you considering expanding your business into overseas markets?
Expanding your business – especially into international markets – can be hugely rewarding but it comes with great risks. That’s why you need to plan your expansion very carefully...
Stuffed in a shoebox or super organised – how are your accounts?
For most business owners, doing their accounts is sheer drudgery. It also takes them away from what’s important – growing their business and spending time with the ones they love.
Set Yourself Up for Success for the New Financial Year
It’s great to celebrate business success but some businesses will finish the financial year with lower than expected results. While disappointing, it’s also an ideal time to..
Could two-way communication be your best marketing strategy?
If I asked you how often you speak with your best clients, I’m sure your response would be something like:
Challenge or Opportunity? You have the power to choose!
Have you ever checked your immediate thoughts whenever you encounter something unexpected? Whether it’s in life or in business, we all feel challenged by unforeseen situations...